Wednesday 21 September 2016

The challenge of Authentic PR

A recent podcast featured Paul Nolan from CC Group, who quote-un-quoted "Authentic" as a recent buzzword too often used by PR agencies. Equating it to IOT, future-proof and 5G-ready - the current favorite buzzwords of the Telecoms business.

This made for a fascinating comparison between industries. In the Telecoms world we have no end to the deluge of latest innovations and the buzzwords that accompany them. In PR, it seems the diatribe is also alive and kicking. 

I quite enjoyed seeing that the world of PR has just as many infuriatingly meaningless terms as Telecoms. Have we had enough hotly-anticipated, paradigm shifting, market-optimized, horizontal, well-positioned, marquee solutions...?  Probably not.

Trevor McDonald, our favorite barrier-breaking newsreader, would be turning in his grave over the lack of plain English and specificity displayed by so much of the Tech company PR content.

But, to my mind, "Authentic" is what we should be shooting for. We should all be authentic in our interactions with other humans. As Patti Azzarello suggests in her excellent managers book 'Rise', being authentic is fundamental to developing effective relationships.

So let's all agree to put a little more authenticity into our communications, whether we're lowly middle-managers or high-flying PR execs. We'll all be better off, in time, and better informed, in information.

... and if you are in the business of writing copy for yourself or your business, here are some great guidelines taken from Apple's approach to clear, compelling messaging.

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